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Feb 21
You Tell Me, CVB
I've expressed my ideas about what a CVB website should say.  Now let's hear from you.  First from the CVB staffers: what things (speaking generically) do you try to accomplish with the home page of your website?  From the users: what do you hope to learn and find at the sites?

It strikes me that the industry is behind the times when it comes to utilizing the Internet.  I have visited a number of CVB sites and find them often cluttered, busy and, well, pointless in many cases.  Nothing more than posters, when they could and shouldbe powerful attractors.

So, you tell me.  Rate your own local CVB site.
Feb 20
Detroit Did Well with the Super Bowl
I've waited long enough after the Super Bowl to see if there were any valid complaints about the job done by Detroit in hosting the Big Game.  Result: all good.  I've neither seen nor heard any complaints of note.  Good job, Detroit.  You've poked holes in the talk about restricting the Game to warmer climes. Continue Reading
Feb 1
CVB Website Critique - Newport Beach, California
The Newport Beach CVB website was top-rated in a Google search for "CVB".  Does it measure up in content to its top billing?  For me, the homepage tries to do too much, leaving the subordinate pages rather dull and stagnant.  Continue Reading
CVB Website Critique - Los Angeles
The Los Angeles CVB site, called " L.A. Inc" is visually rich, and thick with information, but it offers many distractions to the person wanting to know first and foremost about facilities, costs, accommodations, conflicting events, etc..  Continue Reading
Will Detroit Win or Lose at Super Bowl Time?
Whose idea was it to hld the Super Bowl in Detroit in February?  Really.  Detroit is hosting the Big Game, and they had better do a first rate job of it, or "I told you so" will be on everybody's chapped lips for years to come. Continue Reading

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